Update Return 22nd Feb 2021
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Further Update
Dear Parents/ Carer,
A quick update for the parents of FP or Hub provision on the return to school on Monday 22nd February.
A number of parents who are eligible have requested KS2 Hub provision. The closing date is 12pm Wednesday 10th February as stated in the previous letter. The Local Authority states Hub provision is a last option if a Keyworker has no other childcare. Even though many find home learning difficult at times, this is not a reason for requesting Hub provision.
Breakfast Club will be available from Monday 22nd February for children who had attended Breakfast Club before Christmas.
Payment for a school dinner has to be made online before Monday 22nd February. The dinners will not follow a set menu during the first week due to some stock needing to be used and new ordered.
Please remember for children to wear suitable clothing, coats, gloves, etc. because they will be outside for play and some activities.
If any FP child is not attending on 22nd February, parents have to phone school by 9:30am. We continue to follow all guidelines to a very high standard to help ensure that any risks to your child and the staff are at a minimum.
If you have a queries please email or phone. Please have an enjoyable Seesaw free half term. Take care and follow the guidelines to prevent any increase of risk. I hope we will be able to have the KS2 pupils returning as soon as possible.
P Morgan
Head Teacher