Cwmaman Primary School


โ€˜Success is to do our bestโ€™


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Weekly Attendance

Autumn Term 2024

W/cNurseryReceptionClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6
2nd Sept889496999210098100
9th Sept        


Summer Term 2024


3rd June9490868493928487
10th June9091908691929193
17th June8797909192939696
24th June8897899292889088
1st July7987919589939386
8th July8096808589868694
15th July9697878992948596

Spring Term 2024


8th Jan9099989199969996
15th Jan9397969794959294
22nd Jan8198849894909392
29th Jan9388888295908697
5th Feb8386849294968889
19th Feb9294889495999491
26th Feb7291899496949289
4th Mar9495869792948394
11th Mar8195849490879589
18th Mar9091868989958189

Autumn Term 2023


5th Sept10080969010010010095
11th Sept10094969798909797
18th Sept9193909591919289
25th Sept9894888789978992
2nd Oct8692928994968797
9th Oct7383819391909496
16th Oct9393828690909090
23rd Oct8797799989949496
6th Nov8910097971009699100
13th Nov8696919695959892
20th Nov8395909297989790
27th Nov8893889796849096
4th Dec8393889891949395
11th Dec9190959290919894
18th Dec8283949790909290

Summer Term 2023


17th April9995939895989091
24th April9182848495979093
1st May9285959898949794
8th May9470919481969296
15th May9285938894959690
22nd May8378879295949584
5th June8394849198859486
12th June9895778896929683
19th June9582858995889292
26th June8893889589918990
3rd July6481888482798799
10th July9187928891819091
17th July9789909697849194

Spring 2023

9th Jan961001009796969395
16th Jan8384869589918898
23rd Jan9793919698979597
30th Jan9490909795879097
6th Feb8989919597949891
13th Feb9486939694979596
27th Feb9097959597929594
6th Mar8785869094939794
13th Mar9086949397959694
20th Mar92878792959596100
27th Mar        


Autumn Term 2022


5th Sept9594979599929799
12th Sept9786898894799677
19th Sept9287959198959395
26th Sept9587979398908999
3rd Oct9389969794929398
10th Oct8290908799879093
17th Oct9393979598938895
24th Oct9190989690869094
7th Nov9699958898909597
14th Nov9588899194899378
21st Nov9273849381866788
28th Nov8785938094859088
5th Dec8274908394889093
12th Dec9184879793779091
19th Dec8675889290878889


Summer Term 2022

25th April9496949195989596
2nd May8797889393969285
9th May9192879092929775
16th May8787849590928587
23rd May9088869689899690
6th June8284958994939190
13th June9697979094969692
20th June9397969190969893
27th June8698839488959490
10th Jan9398969193929290
17th Jan8097957997969187
24th Jan8795948984988983
31st Jan8695909590948979
7th Feb8292959694969193
14th Feb8093959686939193
28th Feb9296949896959693
7th March9396959494948590
14th March9390929885959093
21st March96979610097988589
28th March8897879388957992
4th April8788957985888490


Congratulations to Year 2, the best attended class for the first half of the Autumn Term.๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†


๐Ÿ‘๐ŸผFantastic effort from the 50 pupils who had 100% attendance throughout the first half term. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

1st Nov8690948594968996
8th Nov9382939199959493
15th Nov7281878994928693
22nd Nov8279898685909688
29th Nov8494918883967894
6th Dec8184868689958998
13th Dec8387819672868679

Congratulations to Year 2, the best attended class for the first half of the Autumn Term.๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†


๐Ÿ‘๐ŸผFantastic effort from the 50 pupils who had 100% attendance throughout the first half term. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

6th Sept9493969695948195
13th Sept9480919984928892
20th Sept7992849488999183
27th Sept8394879387879092
4th Oct9082929688909888
11th Oct73100929694939392
18th Oct6990949689869498

