Latest News
Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.
Mon 30 Sep 2024 -
ESTYN Inspection
Mon 11 Mar 2024Cwmaman Primary School will have an ESTYN Inspection Monday 11th March to Thursday 14th March
1st February Industrial Action
Sun 29 Jan 2023Please see the latest school newsletter and information from the Local Authority
May Newsletter
Fri 01 Jul 2022 -
Return to school Feb 28th (after half term)
Fri 18 Feb 2022Please see latest Free Quently Asked Questions
Return to school, Covid guidance
Thu 06 Jan 2022 -
January 2022 Restart
Tue 21 Dec 2021The restart of school will be delayed after the Christmas break to Thursday 6th January. Please see the newsletters for the latest update.
Take care.
Dates & Events
Sat 09 Oct 2021Dates and Events
World Mental Health Day
We are promoting WMHD on Friday 8th October. We will have fun activities throughout the school to support our staff & pupils wellbeing. It would be great if staff & children could wear something YELLOW, but please don’t go out and buy clothes because it can be a T-shirt but it can be a homemade badge, headband, ribbon, mask, cape, etc. If you haven’t anything at home the teachers will ensure the children will make something in class.The children can still wear their school uniform if you wish.
We will not be making any collection but there are many ways online to support groups such as
Inset Day
The staff are training on Monday 11th October, the school will be closed for pupils.
We will be celebrating Harvest on Thursday 14th October. They will reflect on and be thankful for the things we often take for granted and share in bread and jam freshly (and safely) made in school. We don't require money but would be grateful if you could donate a tin, jar, packet of food to support the Food Bank. Our local distribution is Hope Church and they have helped many families who continue to be in need especially due to Covid and the economic climate. You can donate a full carrier bag if you wish! or donate online at
Food items still needed:
*Tinned Fruit *Tinned rice pudding *Tinned meat *Tea 40 bags *Tea 80 bags *Pot noodles *Small squashes *Small bars of chocolates *Instant coffee
Half Term
No school due to half term Monday 25th October to Friday 29th October. All pupils return Monday 1st November
School Photos
The photographer will be at school on Tuesday 9th November. The prices usually start at approximately £10 and payment will be required with order. I hope this advance notice helps everyone to prepare for the cost if you wish to purchase any for a Christmas gift to family. We will try to make opportunities for siblings to attend.
Nasal Flu Spray
Pupils will be offered the annual flu spray on Thursday 11th November. Details to follow closer to date.
It is likely that a school concert will be recorded and made available to you through Seesaw or on a text link at the end of December.
Swap donate Reuse
Sat 18 Sep 202118th September 2021
Swap, Donate & Reuse
Before Covid and its restrictions, our School Council launched their own initiative. They started to collect donated uniforms and ‘sell’ for a very small donation. The new school council wants to restart this environmentally friendly project, by reusing and not throwing away but also to support families with the cost of uniforms.
Weather permitting, on Tuesday 21st September from 8:30am, there will be a large selection of used uniform jumpers, cardigans, etc on tables in the main yard. There will also be a selection of coats which have been left in cloakrooms and unclaimed over the past few years.
Parents will be able to:
- swap by donating another item of uniform that another family would use. Please do not donate non-uniform clothes.
- or take any garment and give a donation that will go towards other School Council projects.
- or just take, for free, some items that they will reuse.
At the tables there will be hand sanitisers to maintain safety. Please do not allow the children to handle the clothes and keep a sensible distance between families.
The School Council will offer the opportunity again in a few weeks. Please support their project, the environment and our community.
School Council -
Welcome Back To School
Tue 07 Sep 2021A New School Year
I am so pleased to be able to welcome the children back to school at the start of this new accademic year. There are still a number of restrictions in place to ensure we protect the children and staff from Covid19 but we are in school and about to embark on a year of enjoyment and learning.
Please see the latest newsletter which has all the information needed for a successful start.
Take care
Success is to do our best!