Cwmaman Primary School


‘Success is to do our best’


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Return to School 22nd Feb 2021


 Friday 5th February 2021


Dear Parents/ Carer,


Firstly, thank you to all the pupils, parents and staff for the online learning that has taken place since the beginning of January. I have been extremely proud of all the incredible learning that has gone on. It has been on paper, digitally, in the kitchen, living room, garden, while on walks, in the hub, painted, drawn, typed, written, danced, sang, baked and even outside No10 Downing Street (virtually)! It has not been easy for parents, carers and grandparents. My staff too, have had to juggle their home responsibilities and their school role. Well done to you all.

There are a number of parents who might still have issues engaging with home learning, as stated before please contact the teacher through Seesaw or myself at the school for support and possibly alternative solutions.


Parent/Teacher Meetings

Our usual Parent/teacher meetings will be conducted on the phone from week commencing Monday 8th February. Your child’s class teacher will message on Seesaw and text to give you a time period on a particular day when the meeting can take place. If this is inconvenient, please contact the teacher by Seesaw or contact the school.


Half Term

Seesaw will continue next week but all online learning will stop during half term. The staff will be instructed to turn off Seesaw and recharge their batteries. Please continue to read with your child and to feed their curiosity. There will be NO Hub provision during half term as instructed by the Local Authority. I will be available via email during the week for any queries but my response may take 24 hours ;)


Back to School

Following the Welsh Government announcement, I am pleased to invite children of nursery, reception, year 1 & year 2 back to school. These Foundation Phase pupils are to attend from Monday 22nd February 2021.

Year Group









Yr 1



Yr 2









Some nursery are full time – finish 3pm


Children who were due to start as pre-nursery in January will be delayed in their return and will have separate individual information.

It is reassuring that the Welsh Government and their advisors believe it is safe enough to return and confident that the schools’ practices under their guidelines will minimise any risk in the current pandemic. To minimise these risks we all must follow the guidelines nationally and how they are implemented in our school. Below is a general list to try to capture the practices on our return:


  • If possible, do not block a drop off bay but park outside of the school grounds.
  • Only 1 adult to accompany the children to and from school, walking socially distanced from other adults. If possible, no older children are to accompany with parents.
  • All adults to wear face coverings on the schoolyard.
  • Children to walk onto the yard with parent and line socially distanced at the correct time, arriving too early means adults are gathering and even a minute late stops the gates being closed on time.
  • Parents to remain 2m from doorway/member of staff.
  • Children will sanitise their hands on entry to the cloakroom.
  • Children are to have a water bottle and a suitable coat because we will be using the outdoor environment as often as possible.
  • Parents to phone/email school whenever possible and not visit school office.
  • Parents are to leave the premises promptly and not gather to chat.
  • Outside of school, please follow the guidelines and do not allow your child to mix with other families.


In school, we will continue to wash hands/sanitise regularly. The children will remain in class bubbles and not mix during break/dinner times. Staff will wear masks in the class throughout the day. This is a new guideline but I am sure the children will adapt to it quicker than the staff! The toilets & cloakrooms, tables & chairs and areas that are frequently touched are cleaned on a number of occasions throughout the day. Windows and doors are opened periodically to allow good ventilation in class.


KS2 Hub Provision

Parents of children in KS2 who are eligible through being a Key worker/vulnerable pupil are able to apply for Hub provision. Please contact the school through email or phone by 12pm Wednesday 10th February.


Breakfast club

At this time, I am unsure of the start of Breakfast club. When I have further information, I will message parents.


KS2 Provision

I have no information regarding pupils in KS2 returning to school. Please support your child to access online learning that will restart on 22nd February through Seesaw.

Further information will be shared when it is given to the schools. Please take care, keep the ‘R’ number down and I look forward to children returning.


P Morgan

Head Teacher
